Lunes.Monday.Lunedi yeah 3 langs.
Pues que decir del día de hoy.. ocupadísimo.. aunque pude haber hecho unas cuantas cosas más pero pues a veces no se puede... Todo comenzó al momento de levantarme y me había comprometido a ir al trabajo así que me alisté para ir pronto a pasar unas cuanta shoras laborando.
Estuve en Grupo Marro cerca de 6 horas.. de las cuales pasé una intentando hacer funcionar una impresora, pero pos no pude.. no porque no sepa como hacerlo simplemente es un mugrero esa computadora... ya tiene varios días que se desinstalan las impresoras y no deja que se agregen de nuevo y los servicios... la pantalla no funciona bien.. de repente no se ven los tonos rojos.. lo cual impacta en todas las cosas que deben verse amarillas o rojas... así que todo se ve azúl grisáceo y verdoso...
De ahí.. otro trabajo.. junta de planeación de fechas en Databolt... ahí fui con mi primo Luis, que pues.. desafortunadamente al tratar de contactar a Nassima de la alianza francesa pues no pudo y nimodo me quedó de tarea adelantar cuanto pueda por mi cuenta y luego verificaría el nuevo calendario con lo que Luis logre hablar con Nassima.
Al llegar a mi casa a eso de las 6 pm... pues no me pude hacer de comer mas que un lonchecillo y me dispuse a arreglar ochitos o a tapar bolssas.. pero oh sorpresa esa hora tuve que dedicarla abuscar la aguja (o ahuja??)... con la que se hace la tarea más sencilla.. y pues no lo logré... entonces.. me dieron ya las 9 de la noche.. y mi tradicional conectada nocturna pues no funcionó..resulta que mi hermana quería conectarse y por una oportuna razón no fue posible conectar las dos computadoras.. yo contaba con que la Desk sí jalara y pudiera compartir la red.. pero no se pudo... y ahora es ella quien está conectada..obviamente sin subir nada a servidores.. ni contactar gente de trabajo.. ni siquiera busca información para el enesayo o lo que sea que esté haciendo.. y pues nimodo.. me toca hacer pruebas d emanera local y escribir notitas para el tiempo y chance que le robe la conexión.
Tal vez deba traducir esto a otras lenguas... que al cabo hay tiempo.
Well today... a busy day... tough.. I couldn't do a lot of the things I planned.. I had problems with both works i do nowadays... 'cause in the first one well was ok.. all the time.. tried new stuff.. new version of the system.. but didn't work... something that I still cannot find... didn't let me get the work done that way.. and then.. I tried the other version we call dirty system... since is not so nice and cute as the newer one.. but works and that's the point...
so.. when i was about to leave. printer failed.. and there i was trying to fix something noone broke down... no-one knew what happen... and everyone blamed me.. they didn't say it but.. they always say the day after printer fails, since that day we have not had any problems with the printer... did you do anything???
I'm tired of being blamed by printer failing stuff.. soon those false acusations will end. 'cause they're gonna buy a server that.. I think I hope.. will work.
Then.. the other job was kinda fun.. my cousin there always spare some time in talking about stuff that is not precisely work... and we ccover the points that we had to consider this week.. i have now homework to do.. and well its actual work... but i need some internet conection right now.. but it is impossible to get it without a home fight with my sister.. i have to waint until she realizes that i need it for important things and not those.. wait to see what happens thing she does when she goes online...
Im kinda mad with myself for not having solved the problem with the other telephone line.. it should be fixed right away.. but the phone company hasn't send anyone yet.. I don't like them.. How many times do I have to call them to make them come to repair the line!?!?.. c'mon!.. it's 4 years passed Y2k!!1 people need phone lines to be working all day!...
Back in my home... i decided to make some planning for these vacations... i've already made the schedule pages.. ready to fill with loads and loads of things to do.. but.. since the LAN in my house doesn't work.. i have to wait for that too...
I tried to make some bags.. to complete them.. and just when i collect all the stuff i need to star.. the one instrument i need to do it .. was lost... there was some cleaning the house last weekend and that always mean that the things you always find in the places you like.. are all gone.. or moved to some other place that you just won't be able to get...
nevermind.. there's something to do on the internet.. wait... i can't get connected yet... nice.
So.. that's the half good half awful day of today.... tomorrow will be better since now i know what went wrong today...
I had some time to post this.. i hope the friends i was trying to help don't hate me now that i left them on their own ... i thought (damn don't remember the past of think)... i could get online in secs... they'll understand right??
Beh.. non so cosa dire di oggi... non è stato il meglio dai miei giorni di vacanze però.. ne ho fatto alcune cose nei
miei lavori... quello sembra di andar bene... soltanto ho avuto problemi co'l primo lavoro in cui si è rota un
computer... non poteva imprimire niente.
Io sempre riparo queste cose.. ma questa volta non sono riuscito a ripararlo... non so ancora cosa è capita ma so che
quell problema accade quasi tutti i giorni. Non è colpa mia, ma mi dispiace non aver potuto ripararlo... ho fatto alcuni
cambiamenti al sistema della ditta... c'e lavoro per me.. che ho portato a casa.. ma non posso farlo perche non riesco a connettere il mio computer sul internet. Ho voglia di aiutare miei amici che m'hanno detto di avere dei problemi.... ma così non posso aiutargli... devo dire a mia sorella di lasciarmi adesso a me usare l'internet...
Questo non sarebbe così se l'altro telefono non fosse roto... mi dispiace che tutti i giorni chiamo Telmex per dirgli di riparare mio telefono però.. mai vengono per vedere il problema... un messe!.. ne ho un messe senza usare l'altra linea di telefono!
Beh.. adesso è arrivato il tempo per me di prendere la linea che funziona... spero domani sia un mgliore giorno da oggi.